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Really started to get into fixing up figures. Here I will show off my latest work.

RA Stone Cold Steve Austin Fix-up.

Parts -

RA 8 Test Body. Final Count 1 Steve Austin Head. RA 1 Randy Orton Forearms. Black paint applied & black tape.

RA Rock Fix-up.

Parts -

RA 8 Rock Head. RAW X Rock Body. RA 8 Rock right arm. RA 8 Rock left forearm.

RA John Bradshaw Layfield Fix-up.

*I made this before he changed to his new attire of short pants, knee pads & short boots.

Parts -

AD 6 Bradshaw Head. AD 6 Bradshaw Forearms. RA 2 Scott Steiner Body. RA 1 Chavo Guerrero Boots.

RA Hunter Hearst Helmsley Fix-up.

*Instead of buying CS 1 HHH, I had spare parts so I decided to save some money and make my own.

Parts -

RA 6 Triple H Head. AD 3 HBK Body. AD 3 HBK Arms. AD 2 Test Forearms. RA 5 HBK Boots. Black paint & white tape applied.

RA John Cena in 'Street Gear' Fix-up.

RA 5 John Cena (with hat) with AD 4 John Cena Shirt & arms. Green Tape added.

RA John Cena in 'Wrestling Gear' Fix-up.

AD 4 John Cena with RA 5 John Cena arms. Tape & knee pads added.